Wednesday, 14 April 2021

G.O.Ms.No. 117, Dt. 25-5-1981


G.O.Ms.No. 117, Fin. & Pig. (FW. PRC.I) Dept., dt. 25-5-1981 Procedure for SGP&SPP




PUBLIC SERVICES - Creation of Special Grades to employees who have completed 10 years of service and Special Temporary Promotion Posts/Special Adhoc Promotion posts for the employees who have completed 15 years of service - Orders - Issued.





G.O.Ms.No. 117

Dated: 25th May 1981


Read the following:


1        1.     G.O.(P)No. 235, Fin. & Pig. (FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 17-9-79.

2        2.     G.O.Ms.No. 266, G.A. (Ser.A) Department,dated 25-5-1981.




1.                  The service Associations have represented to Government that in order to relieve stagnation in service, a suitable scheme may be evolved for granting higher scales after a specified period of service. This demand of the Service Associations concerned, and Government have decided to and hereby introduce a scheme of advancement in service the details of which are appended to this order. These Orders shall come into force with effect from 1st April, 1981.


2.                  These Orders shall come into force with effect from 1st April, 1981.


3.                  These Orders shall apply to those who draw pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 1978 upto and including Grade-XVJIII in Schedule-I to the AP. Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 1978 and shall cover all categories of personnel i.e., Government employees, non-teaching staff of Zilla Parishads, Panchayat Samithis and Municipalities, all other employees of Grampanchayats, Panchayat Samithis, Municipalities, Zilla Parishads and Zilla Grandhalaya Samsthas, Agricultural Market Committees, non-teaching staff of Aided Degree Colleges and work charged establishment who get monthly pay in a regular pay scale in the Revised pay scales, 1978.


4.                  The fixation of pay on appointment to the Special Grade Posts, Special temporary Promotion posts or Special Adhoc Promotion Posts as laid down in paras (V), Bl (IV) and C2 (iii) of part-I of Appendix is in relaxation of relevant provisions of F.Rs.

5.                  Separate orders shall be issued in regard to teachers working under all managements and who are governed by the Andhra Pradesh Revised pay scales, 1973.


6.                  All employees to whom these orders apply and who have completed the prescribed period of service for appointment to special grade posts or special temporary promotion posts or special adhoc promotion posts as the case may be, on the date on which these orders come into force shall be eligible for appointment to special grade posts/special temporary promotion posts/special adhoc promotion posts as the case may be, in terms of this order. For the first batch of appointments under, these orders on 1-4-1981, it is not necessary that one should be first appointed to special grade post before being appointed to special temporary promotion post or special Adhoc Promotion post. Where the conditions are fulfilled, the initial appointments may be made directly to the special Temporary Promotion Posts or Special Adhoc Promotion posts, and for the subsequent appointments under this scheme, however, appointments to special temporary promotion posts or special adhoc promotion posts shall be from among those who are holding special grade posts.


7.                  The initial appointment under these orders as on 1-4--81 shall be made after preparing a panel of all eligible employees as envisaged in the scheme. The subsequent appointments, however, shall be made in accordance with the procedure outlined in paras A, B and C of part-II of Appendix to this order.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)



Principal Secretary to Government.


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