Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Memo. No. 2047




Memo No. 2047/Ser.-A/83-1,                                                                           Dated 10th October 1983.


Sub: - PUBLIC SERVICES - Subordinate Services - Employment of dependent children of deceased Government employee who die in harness - Recruitment procedure, etc. - Clarification - Issued.


Ref: - 1. G.O.Ms.No. 687, General Administration (Ser.-A) Department, dated 3rd October 1977.


2. Government memoNo. 618/Ser.-N78-11, Genera! Administration (Ser.-A) Department dated 17thDecember;1979.


3. Government MemoNo. 1083/Ser.-NB0/1, General Administration (Ser.-A) Department, dated 1st August1980.



In the G.O. cited orders were issued for providing permanent relief to the deserving bereaved members of the family of the deceased Government servants by providing a job to the spouse or the dependent children of Government servants who die while in Government service, subject to the conditions mentioned therein. In the Memo second cited, certain clarifications were issued in regard to the scope of the orders issued in the G.O. cited. In the Memo third cited, it has been made amply clear that no relaxations shall be given in the matter of implementation of the G.0. cited and indiscriminate compassionate appointments in the cases of the dependents of the deceased Government servants who die in harness will deprive other equally deserving poor families in securing jobs. Instructions were also issued not to entertain cases which do not satisfy the criteria laid down in the said G.O.


2. It has been observed a large number of cases are still being referred by the Department of Secretariat to this Department for relaxation of one or the other conditions mentioned in the G.O. cited for appointment of the spouse or dependent children of the deceased Government servants. The matter has again been carefully examined by the Government. It has been considered that no application for relaxation of any of the conditions mentioned in the G.O. cited in respect of appointment of dependents of deceased Government servants to posts other than the posts in the Last Grade Service should be entertained. In the case of compassionate appointments to Last Grade Service, if the Secretaries to Government consider that relaxations are justified in some hard cases, in the conditions relating to the age for entry into the Last Grade Service or in the stipulated time limit of two years for application in the case of minor dependents or in the educational qualifications prescribed for the post in Last Grade Service for which appointments is sought for in the matter of appointment of minor children of the deceased employees, they may refer deserving cases, with their recommendation to this Department. In no other case, applications for relaxation of the conditions should be entertained by the Government.


3. The Departments of Secretariat and Heads of Departments are requested to issue instructions to their subordinate authorities to scrupulously follow the above instruction and not to recommend any cases for relaxation in the matter of appointment to the spouse or children of the deceased employees other than those seeking appointments to Last Grade Service Posts.



Chief Secretary to Government.


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