Thursday, 27 May 2021

G.O.Ms.No. 607


G.O.Ms.No. 607, HM&FW(D2)                                                             Dated : 12-11-1991.

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No. 102, M&H dt. 19-2-1981
2. G.O.Ms.No. 52, M&H dt. 23-1-1984.
3. G.0.Ms.No. 797, M&H dt. 25-11-1986.


In the G.0. first read above, orders were issued for sanction of Special Leave of 6 working days to male employees and 14 days Special Casual Leave to female employees who undergone the Vasectomyffubectomy Operations. In the G.Os 2nd and 3rd read above, order were issued for sanction of One Incentive Increment in the shape of Personal Pay to the Govt. Servants/their spouses who adopt permanent terminal methods of Family Welfare Programme.

2. Certain instances of failure of the operations have been brought to the notice of Government. The government have examined the matter relating to issue of guidlines for dealing with the cases, viz., sanction of Special Casual Leave and sanction of Family Welfare. Incentive Increments to the Govt. Servants/their spouses who undergo the operation again in case of failure of the first operation again in case of failure of the first operation, and issue the following guidelines:-

1. Special Casual Leave:-
The Government Servants may be sanction Spl. Casual Leave as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No. 102 M&H dated 19-02-1981.

2. Date of discontinuance of Incentive Increment Benefit because of the failure of the first operation:
The Incentive Increments and the allowances thereon shall be discontinued form the date of delivery of the child - . as.a result of the failure of the first person.

3. Date of sanction of the increment for having undergone the Family Planning Operation for the second time:-
The orders issued in para 2(d) of G.0.Ms.No. 52 M&H, dated 23-1- 1984 be adopted in this case also:

4. Rate of Increment:
The rate of increment shall be as on the date of operation:

5. Number of Increments:-
The personal Pay equivalent to one increment as ordered in G.O.Ms.No. 52, M&H, dated 23-1-1984 and G.0.Ms.No. 797, M&H., dated 25-11-1986 be sanctioned if the number of living children are three or less than three, as on the date of second operation; and

6. Recovery of excess amounts paid:-
The excess amounts paid to the Government Servants towards Personal Pay (of Family Welfare Incentive Increments) together with the allowances thereon during the period of failure of the first operation, i.e., for the period from the date of delivery of the child as a result of the failure of the first operation till be day preceding to day on which the Family Welfare Incentive Increment Personnal Pay for the second time Operation comes into effect shall be recovered from the individual's salary.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)

Principal Secretary to Government

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