Wednesday, 21 April 2021

G.O.Ms.No. 349




PUBLIC SERVICES - Subordinate Service - Employment of dependent children of deceased Government employees who die in harness – Recruitment procedure - Further instructions - Issued.




G.O.Ms.No. 349;                                                                                                    Dated 12th June 1986.


Read the following,


1. G.O.Ms.No. 687, General Administration (Ser.-A) Department, dated 3rdOctober 1977.


2. Government Memo No. 618/Ser-A/78-11, General Administration (Ser-A) Department, dated 17thDecember 1979.


3. Government Memo No 1083/Ser-NS0-1, General Administration (Ser-A) Department, dated 1stAugust 1980.


4. Government Memo No. 2047/Ser-N83--1, General Administration (Ser-A) Department, dated 10thOctober 1983.


5. Representation from Action Committee of Employees & Workers (AP) dated 31st December 1983.





In the Government Memo fourth cited instructions were issued that except in the case of appointment to Last Grade Service under the scheme of compassionate appointment of dependents of deceased Government servants in no other case application for relaxation of the conditions stipulated in G.O.Ms.No. 687, General Administration (Services-A) Department, dated 3rd October 1977 should be entertained. Even in respect of appointments to last grade service only in hard cases on the specific recommendation of the Secretary to Government in the concerned administrative Department relaxation of certain conditions could be considered.


2. In the representation fifth read above, among other things it has been requested that the powers of relaxation contemplated in Memo. fourth read above, in each case may be allowed to be exercised by the appointing authority instead of the Government as at present, as it is resulting in delay in providing relief to the family of the deceased. It has also been requested that the dependents of deceased Government Servants who are of the age of 16 years may also be given appointment orders without insisting on their attaining the age of 18 years. It has also been represented that the dependents of deceased Government employees, who have not· availed of the concessions contemplated in Government Memo. fourth read above, may be given opportunity fixing some time limit for entertaining applications from them.


3. Government, after careful examination, direct that: -


(1) Cases of appointment of dependent’s (spouse, son and unmarried daughter) of the deceased Government employees, to posts included in the A.P Last Grade Service involving relaxation of age educational qualifications etc., as contemplated in memo fourth cited need not be referred to Government in future. The appointing authority is authorised to make purely temporary appointments in the above cases. The regular appointments in these cases would, however, be made only after the relevant rules wherever necessary are relaxed in favour of the concerned individuals, by the concerned Head of the Department.


(2) The dependents of deceased ·Government employees who are 16 years of age may be considered for appointment to posts in the Last Grade Service in relaxation of rules subject to the conditions that the service rendered prior to attaining majority shall not be counted till they attain majority.



Chief Secretary to Government.


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