Memo. No. 1171/Ser.-A/87-1, Dated 30th July 1987
Sub: Public Services - Subordinate Services - Compassionate appointment of son/daughter/spouse of the Government employees who retire from service on medical grounds - Not to deviate from the guidelines issued from time to time - Not to make any irregular appointments in deviation - Instructions reiterated.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 504, General Administration (SER-A) Department, dated 30th July 1980.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 457, General Administration (SER-A) Department, dated 19th September 1983.
3. G.O. Ms. No. 309, General Administration (SER-A) Department, dated 4th July 1985.
As per the instructions in the G.O. third cited, the benefit of compassionate appointments should be confined to the cases where Government Servants retire on medical grounds five (5) years before attaining the age of superannuation irrespective of the age of the superannuation prescribed for the posts and services.
2. It has come to the notice of the Government that appointments of the dependents of the Government employees, who retired on grounds of medical invalidation in whose cases the condition relating to retirement 5 years before attaining the age of superannuation has not been satisfied have been made.
3. Since the benefit of compassionate appointment has been restricted to cases where Government servants retire on medical grounds 5 years before attaining the age of superannuation. Making appointment as in cases where the above condition is not satisfied, is irregular and opposed to the very policy of the Government.
4. All Heads of Departments and Departments of Secretarial at are, therefore requested to follow the instructions contained in the G.Os. cited scrupulously and to ensure that no irregular appointments are may in deviation of the policy instructions on the subject. They are also requested to bring these instructions to the notice of concerned. Failure to comply with the instructions will be viewed seriously.
Chief Secretary to Government.
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