Wednesday, 21 April 2021

G.O.Ms.No. 504




PUBLIC SERVICES - Subordinate Service - Compassionates appointment of son/daughter/spouse of Government Employee Who retire from service on Medical Grounds - Orders - Issued.



G.O. Ms. No.504.                                                                                            Dated 30-7-1980.


Read the following: -

1. G.O. Ms. No.687, Administration (Ser-A) U.O. Note No. dated 3rd October, 1977.


2. From General Administration (Ser-Wel) Department U.O. Note No. 53/Ser-Wel./80-81 dated 18th March. 1980.


3. Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Memo No. 14014/1/77-Estt.(D), dated 25th November, 1978.




The Government have issued orders in G.O. cited for appointment of son/daughter/ spouse of a government servant who dies in harness, subject to certain conditions specified therein, as a social security measure taking into account the need for immediate assistance to the family on the passing away of the Government servant in harness.


2. The Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers Association has represented that the Minister of Home Affairs, Government of India have ·extended the benefit of compassionate appointment to the son/daughter, near relative of Government servant retired on medical grounds in exceptional cases where the family is indigent and in great distress. The Association has requested that the ben􀂊fit of compassionate appointment allowed by Government of India may be extended to the spouse/son/daughter of a government servant who retired on medical grounds in the State G9vernment also.


3. The Government have carefully examined the matter and direct that the scheme of compassionate appointment introduced in G.O. cited be extended to the spouse/daughter/son of a government servant who retired on medical invalidation under Article 441 of Andhra Pradesh Pension Code (Vol. 1), subject to the following conditions: -


1. This concession of compassionate appointment shall be allowed only in exceptional cases where the appointing authority is satisfied that the condition of the family is indigent and in great distress.


2. The candidate eligible for appointment under this measure shall be the spouse of the Government servant or any one of the dependent children of the employee who is retired on medical grounds.


3. The eligible person-shall be appointed to the post of Lower Division Clerk or equivalent post or any other lower post.


4. Applications for appointment from such persons Shall be entertained within a period of one year from the date of retirement of Government servant.


5. All appointments made in the light of the concession envisaged in this G.O. to categories of posts to which the candidates are eligible shall be temporary to start with. However, the services of the persons will be regularised in the categories of posts whose pay is equal or less than that of Lower Division Clerk.


6. The temporary appointment of a spouse or child can be considered for regular appointment without subjecting them to the normal pieces of recruitment as provided in the relevant recruitment rules provided such family members of the retired Government servant satisfy other conditions of recruitment prescribed in the rules such as age and educational qualification. However:


(a) a formal notification of vacancy may be made to the Employment Exchange.


(b) after filling up the vacancy. the appointing authority will furnish all relevant particulars of the candidate to the Employment Exchange.


(c) such appointments should be made under intimation to the Director of Employment and Training excepting in case of High court.


4. The clarifications issued in Memo. No. 618/Ser-A/78-11, Dated. 17thDecember 1979 shall also apply to the case of appointment under this G.O. to the extent necessary to the context of these orders.


5. The Government further direct that the regular appointments made under this G.O. shall be kept outside the· purview of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission necessary amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulations shall be issued separately.



Chief Secretary to Government.


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