Memorandum No. 1879/Ser.-A/80-l, Dated 1st December, 1980.
Sub: - Public Services - Appointment of dependent children of deceased Government employees - Further instructions - Regarding.
Ref: - 1. G.O.Ms.No. 687, General Administration (Services-A) Department, dated 3rd October 1977.
2. Memo No. 618/Services-A/78--11, dated 17th December 1979.
In the G.O. cited orders have been issued that the spouse or dependent child of a deceased Government employee be appointed without the medium of employment exchange subject to fulfilling certain conditions specified therein. In clarification (1) of the instructions issued in the memo cited, it was clarified that the appointment of the spouse/child of a deceased Government employee should be in the same department, as far as possible as there will be a vacancy or a consequential vacancy in the department or office where the deceased worked and that there is, however, no objection to the appointment in an office other, than the office in which the employee worked prior to his death. It was added that if the dependent happens to be a woman it may be better in her interest that she is provided with a job nearer to the place
where she would find it secure to live.
2. An instance has come to the notice of the Government; where, certain applications from dependents of deceased Government servants for employment under G.0. cited are kept pending for want of vacancies and it was enquired whether the date of demise of the Government servants should be taken as criterion for purpose of giving priority for appointment among the applications received as on the date of filling up of the post.
3. It is not desirable to pile up such applications on the plea that there are no vacancies as the intention behind the above scheme is to provide immediate relief to the bereaved family of a deceased Government servant who dies in harness. The appointing authorities are therefore requested to consider appointing the spouse/child of the deceased Government employees, in the posts whose pay is equal to or less than that of Lower Division Clerk in the office in which the deceased Government employee was working or in any other office under their administrative control, if there is no vacancy in the former. While making appointments the instructions issued from. time to time on this subject should also be kept in view.
Deputy Secretary to Government.
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