Wednesday, 21 April 2021





Memo No. 1083/Ser.-A/80-1,                                                            dated 1st August, 1980.


Sub: - Public Services - Appointment of spouse/child of a deceased Govt. employee who dies in harness - Further - instructions - Regarding.


Ref:-  1. G.O.Ms.No. 687, General Administration (Ser.-A) Department dated 3rd October 1977.

      2. U.O. Note No. 203/Ser-A/78-1, dated 16th February 1978.

           3. Memo No. 618/Ser,-A/78-11, dated 17th December 1979.



In the G.O. first cited orders were issued providing permanent relief to the family of a deceased Government servant who dies in harness by appointing his son/daughter/spouse to the posts for which such dependents are eligible subject to certain conditions specified therein. After the issue of these orders certain points were raised regarding relaxation of educational qualifications, age for appointment and the time limit for submission of applications etc., and clarifications were issued in the reference third cited instructions have also been issued in the U.O. Note second cited not to entertain cases which do not satisfy the criteria laid down in the said GO.


2. There is an unfortunate tendency to treat the cases of appointment of the dependents of Government servants who dies in harness with extra consideration and sympathy. Some departments are obtaining orders of Government in cases in which death had occurred prior to 27th October 1973, there is delay in seeking employment, etc., and making compassionate appointments. This tendency is not' correct. In the present-day society getting a job in Government as vital and important for the economic welfare of any family, as it is to the family of a deceased Government servant, indiscriminate compassionate appointments in the cases of deceased Government servants who dies in harness will deprive other equally deserving poor families in securing jobs.


3. The main objective in having the scheme is to see that the family of the deceased Government servant is not thrown out on the streets, immediately after his death. The purpose would be achieved only if a family could be given an alternative bread winner almost immediately. The purpose certainly is not served if years after the death of the Government servant, for a dependent is proposed for appointment. It is because of this consideration that a deadline has been fixed beyond which, rightly enough, no consideration should be given If the policy of the government and the objective behind this policy are to be implemented with sympathy all-round, request for compassionate appointment in cases which violate the conditions stipulated

in the scheme should not be entertained at all.


4. The Departments of Secretariat and the Heads of Departments are requested to follow the instructions issued in the reference cited scrupulously and to ensure that all the appointing authorities strictly follow them.



Chief Secretary to Government.


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